Dr Martin Glynn.
Dr Martin Glynn is an experienced and internationally renowned criminologist, educator, theatre director, and dramatist with over 35 years’ experience of working in criminal justice, public health, and educational settings.
As a writer Martin has written for BBC 1’s Casualty, had radio drama’s produced for BBC Radio 4, written and directed numerous theatre productions, published many poetry books, alongside developing a growing reputation as an author of children’s books. His new book ‘Speaking Data and Telling Stories: Data Verbalization for Researchers’ is published by Routledge (2019).
PhD - Birmingham City University (UK) Centre for Applied Criminology (2013)
MA - Birmingham City University (UK) Centre for Applied Criminology (2005)
Certificate in Education - Nottingham Trent University (1984)
Journal articles:
Brown, G & Bos, E & Brady, G & Kneafsey, M & Glynn, M (2016) An Evaluation of the Master Gardener Programme at HMP Rye Hill: A Horticultural Intervention with Substance Misusing Offenders, Prison Service Journal, 225, (1), 45-52. 4
Glynn, M (2016) Towards an Intersectional Model of Desistance for black offenders, Safer Communities. 15 (1), 24-32,
Eshareturi, C, & Serrant, L, & Galbraith, V & Glynn, M (2015) Silence of a scream: Application of the Silences Framework to provision of nurse-led interventions for Ex-offenders, Journal of Research in Nursing, 0 (0), 1-15.
Brookes, M & Glynn, M & Wilson, D (2012) Black Men, Therapeutic Communities and HMP Grendon, Journal of Therapeutic communities, 33 (1)13-26.
Cross, V & Shah, P & Glynn, M & Chidrawer, S (2009) Can we improve the surgical journey for African Caribbean patients undergoing glaucoma filtration surgery? (2009) Clinical Ophthalmology, (3) 1-12.
Books & Book Chapters:
Glynn, M (2019) Speaking Data and Telling Stories: Data Verbalization for researchers, London: Routledge.
Glynn, M (2014) Black Men, Invisibility, and Desistance from crime: Towards a Critical Race Theory from Crime, London: Routledge.
Glynn, M (2019) Dunbar was right, in Critical Race Theory in the Academy, Louisiana: Grambling University.
Glynn, M (2018) A framework model of black masculinities and desistance, in New Perspectives on Prison Masculinities, edited by Maycock, M & Hunt, K, London: Palgrave.
Glynn, M (2018) Working with Black Offenders, in the Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative work in Criminal Justice, edited by Graham, H, McNeill, F, Raynor, P, Taxman, F, Trotter, C and Ugwudike, P, London: Routledge.
Glynn, M (2016) Insider Outsider: Reflections from beyond the Ebony Tower, in Blackness in Britain, edited by Andrews, K & Palmer, 24-33. London: Routledge: 24-33.
Glynn, M (2006) in The Improvisation game – Discovering the secrets of Spontaneous Performance edited by Johnston, C, London: NHB, 60-62.
Glynn, M (1999) Working with Black Offenders, in Free with words – Writers in prisons, Hopwood, C, Manchester: Bar Non, 139-144.
Glynn, M (1998) Silent Voices – Working with Black Inmates: A perspective, in Thompson, J, Prison Theatre – Perspectives and Practices, London: JKP, 171-182.